• Joe is:
o One of less than 5,000 individuals in the United States who are licensed to practice Falconry.
o Past President of the New Jersey Falconry Club and currently serves as the Northeastern Regional Director of the North American Falconers Association (NAFA) representing the nine states stretching from Pennsylvania to Maine.
o One of less than 100 falconers in the United States who hold a Federal Falconry Based Bird Abatement (FBBA) Permit
o One of 22 Falconers in the United States who hold a Federal Permit allowing them to offer Falconry Experiences.
o An active Raptor Banded who traps, bands, releases, and submits relevant data to the Federal Government for use in addressing Raptor related conservation issues.
o Participates in the Peregrine Fund’s Kestrel Partnership having installed 18 Kestrel Nest Boxes that he monitors and reports to the Partnership on activity related data essential to helping halt the declining numbers of this little falcon.
o Is on call to both local and state law enforcement when they need help with picking up injured raptors and taking them to a rehabilitator.